Archive for December 2014

Doctor, Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

December 28, 2014

Hello All. Yes, for all of my three readers out there, it has been a while since I last posted. The reason has been that I have been deep, deep, deep in the trenches, working on so many long suffering sufferers who seek me out for my special Kung-Fu style of Traditional Osteopathy. I am now surfacing to report to the world and to you specific sufferers my new discoveries of classes of people suffering. Stay tuned in the upcoming months as I will more frequently post specific problems hitherto brushed off and blown off by the conventional medicine doctors who blame the patients for their medical problems.

Today, I will introduce this brand new revolutionary concept of why, mostly young women (in their 20’s and early 30’s and especially, absolutely older women) are unable to lose weight, the conventional way, the way most normal people should lose weight, with slight modifications of their diet and lifestyle. For older women and mommies whose bodies don’t bounce back, a secondary question might be, “Doctor, why am I getting this cellulite?

I would first like to address you younger women. Diets do not work. You eat well and healthy. You do not eat junk food, but the numbers on the scale never come down. You exercise but you don’t like it. You do not get the exercise “high” of endorphins surging through your body that most other people do. Some of you may even have what we medical people call “co-morbid conditions.” Doctors of the CMS (conventional medical system) think these “co-morbid conditions” are incidental and should just be treated symptomatically with a pill or nutrition counseling. I have seen enough of you young women with bowel problems, mostly IBS, which causes the tendency towards diarrhea and cramping and a few of you with constipation. I would like you to defy the doctors of the CMS and consider the possibility that your inability to enjoy exercise, your inability to lose “weight” and respond normally to exercise and your bowel symptoms are all related to a singular cause Isn’t this a more elegant possibility?

I would like to keep you in suspense a little longer, and lead you to thinking like a detective with your body and your medical problems, so…let us ask a few more different questions.

What is this “weight” problem? Is it fat? Is it really cellulite? Is this “weight” problem a “genetic inhertance” that you can never outrun? never fight? that the answer is surgical?

The reason why nothing works is because…you are not…normal. I do not mean this to be cruel. I mean that your physiology has never been “right.” At some point in your early life, you can recall being happy, carefree with no body concerns and…normal,. Then one day you started to turn different, unaware, until it was too late..this slow insidious “weight” gain. This “weight” is really…water…simply…H2O…how did this happen…?

Those of you who have followed my posts may already know the answer. I love, love, love talking the mechanics of the human body and this insidious change in your body came about as a result of an old high velocity injury…most frequently a car accident when you were young and skeletally immature in your teens, but this also happens to patients in their 20’s and 30’s, in fact to any patient man or woman at any age…Let me explain…

Our bodies are 70% water, right? Are we one big giant sac? The answer is no. All this water is compartmentalized in different tissue spaces. When we experience a high velocity injury, our tissues are shocked. The water in those tissue compartments experience that force in that direction. For the rest of your life those tissue live in the memory of that trauma, they continue to live under the control of Newton’s First Law of Motion, regarding inertia. Any object in motion will tend to stay in motion, unless it is acted upon by an outside force, and that any object, not in motion can be impelled into motion by an outside force. The water molecules and all your tissues and every neuron in your brain were perfectly fine one day, then all of a sudden a car accident happened, the force of which propelled those compartmentalized molecules in a direction. You get out and everyone, including you, think that you are OK. My working theory is…you are not OK, and that you will never be OK unless someone else (a Traditional Osteopathic physician, like me) helps you. We cannot defy Newton’s First Law but we can certainly use Newton’s Third Law of Motion, the law of equal and opposites to prove to you the truth of the problems of your body. In summary, the car accident happened to your body (and caused all these physiologic derangements) and someone has to get it out.

Now, the question for me is how do I safely guide you to its proof, without endangering you? This will be a lengthy exposition with some precautions, so I will need to do it on another post…stay tuned.