Archive for March 2013

Down An Artificial False Path

March 18, 2013

I just cleaned up a new case in my Beverly Hills office and i wanted to share it with the readers because it showcases how our health slowly declines despite our best efforts. If we have full faith in how medical issues are addressed in such a fragmented manner as is offered by the CMS (conventional medical system), then getting the “best” from multiple specialists may not be the best; they will be missing the forest by focusing on the trees. My patient is a young slim man, there should be no reason to have recently developed sleep apnea requiring a CPAP machine (forcibly pushing air through a face mask every night). He has always had flat feet since childhood. He already has shoe inserts/orthotics. He has a retainer, a bite guard and the newest is the CPAP machine. How is this healthy? The decline of his health towards a false, artificial path of needing appliances to function without pain, to live, to sleep without the risk of dying in his sleep, is slow and insidious but is not recognized as such by the multiple professionals who treat him (the falsness, i mean). They did for him according to the standards of their profession, there is no negliegence, no liability. The standard is the “standard of care” what everybody else would have done. Of course the sleep specialist has only this answer, but does not ask the fundamental question of why it is that an apparently healthy, slim, young man should stop breathing in his sleep? When i present it to you like this, it stinks, doesn’t it? It is very insidious and deceiving the patient does not see this perspective himself. I proposed that all these problems were related, that the return of his health would be marked by the backwards process of not needing these appliances, the health “props” or crutches of health. His arches started to come back. Within the week, the lowest setting on the CPAP felt like his eardrums were going to pop.
So the lesson of this post is…when you need a lot of services for a lot of seemingly disparate medical conditions, if the proposed treatments are non-invasive and reversible it should be okay to proceed…rethink the slow, insidious progression and perhaps a more global, holistic philosophical medical and osteopathic approach might be beneficial or even curative.
For those of you who like medical mysteries, for those suffering, for those who like closing cold case files, would you like to know the sole cause i forensically attribute to final decline? Ooohh, it is really good…all this from…(drumroll)…in childhood during a critical developmental period where there is elongation of the spine and limbs, he had multiple traumas to the trunk, which stunted him at critical structural areas eventually leading him to this structural state, and compounded by the ageing process and an increasing gravitational workload on a strained and compromised system…whooo…there are many of you out there like him, just getting lost in the forest…

Mommy Suicide in 13 Page Note

March 16, 2013

I read of the mother who committed suicide at the same time trying to take her toddler with her…her note stated that she had guilt over 2 falls he had while in her care…she believed that he would suffer life long problems…i have to say that…she was and is right.  Her note stated that his personality changed after those falls…absolutely they do…they hurt, they can’t sleep, they do change…she thought that no doctor would believe her, that we would all think her crazy, depressed, disconnected…she was depressed because nobody believed her…unfortunate, but if she had found DOs, even better, DO pediatricians doing traditional osteopathy her feelings would have been confirmed, after her child treated, he would have slept better and returned to a somewhat more stable behavior…there is a New York DO school, the buzz did not reach her about us and this kind of work…i leave it to you people, my 3 subscribers to pass this all along…The sad, ironic thing is even now, regular MDs,  even pediatricians, will give him a “clean bill of health” and state that he should not suffer any long term consequences of this fall because her body cushioned his…WRONG!  i call BS.  they are and will be DEAD WRONG!  Sadly, he is even more messed up now, he did absorb some force of the impact.  The impact of all 3 falls now have to be undone, the traumatic force all have to be removed from his body, to unstrain his tissues.  he will not sleep well, will be hyper, poor socialization, have behavioral disorders (primarily because he cannot express, and is even unaware that his body is off, wrong).  If he gets vaccinated, he will really whack out now, whereas prior to the falls, he did not…he will be labelled, “difficult, defiant, ADHD.” 

there will be mommies, non-medical people, even, who will understand, that yes, this is all truth.  Somebody forward this to his poor daddy.