Plantar Fasciitis is Not Plantar Fasciitis

This is one of my newest epiphanies. It seems that many of my male patients tell me that they have been diagnosed with ‘plantar fasciitis.’ ??? This diagnosis is given to those who have pain on the soles of their feet with walking; it is worse in the am and after activity and ‘stretching’ the ligaments of the feet, the pain gets better throughout the day.

I always, invariably, end up telling my patients, “Plantar-schmantar, blah-blah-blah.” I do not wish to demean their pain but this is not what it seems. Instead I tell my patients that “plantar fasciitis is a distal manifestation of a proximal problem.” This means that men who are/were active have acquired multiple strains which lock up their body, especially the pelvis, SI joints and lower back.  For women, it can come from mild traumas and after giving birth, months and even years later. This affects their gait and over time causes additional strains on the legs. I always end up being able to prove to them that I am right (and consequently everyone else wrong); I can say this because I learned all this from a great old Old Time Osteopath. In my treatment sessions the pain changes or even goes away immediately.

So, essentially, what does the diagnosis of plantar fasciitis mean? One, the patient usually has multiple problems. i.e., they are really messed up. Second, they seriously need to be treated globally by an osteopathic physician. What happens if the patient never gets treated? MDs will advise stretching, special shoes. Podiatrists will offer orthotics. Some patients will resort to prolotherapy (injections of a sugar solution). All these options are merely crutches that support the longstanding accumulated strains. Eventually, the patient will pay.

Toby would have been diagnosed with ‘plantar fasciitis’ if he had seen a doctor for his feet pain.  It is only later on his second visit that he tells me he stopped walking on his treadmill because of it.  Hear what he has to say:

previsit video:
postfirstvisit video: 

Oh yeah, my latest patient testimony is soooo cool.  His predicament is so funny, we three(he, his wife and I), all just have to laugh it.  Watch it here, it is hilarious:

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2 Comments on “Plantar Fasciitis is Not Plantar Fasciitis”

  1. Clint Says:

    So what should we do, then? I gave up on podiatrists and have left mine untreated for 2 yrs now. All they did is take my money and make me feel worse.

    • letrinh Says:

      If you are mild and it sounds like you are because it is untreated, then the next question for you is, What is the primary cause of your feet pain? Now, if PF is simply a distal manifestion of a proximal problem, I always check the SI joint. This is the area in the middle of your buttocks. Push around. There are bound to be a few sore spots. What traumas did this area incur in your past? Treat the trauma -which most people can not do on there own. Nevermind that, some osteopaths, if the did not study with dr. miller may not know how either. Click on the link and go to my other page and you can get some tips. Otherwise, come on in.

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