Posted tagged ‘book’

Big News -Book!

November 8, 2015

Hello all,

I am pleased to announce the arrival of my first book, Osteopathy for Children, available on Amazon or wherever books are sold.  With this book I hope to explain all the subtle clues often overlooked by conventional pediatrics and specialists for that matter. These clues are picked up by the astute, concerned mommies and brushed aside by doctors of the CMS.  Almost 200 pages, it should be digestable for non-medical people.  For the curious, the avid reader, for the tree-hugging, natural health types below is a great teaser.  This little girl is my patient.  Forty minutes after treatment, her whole face has changed.  Besides the obvious, there are 8 other features that are not normal for her.  Can you guess?  What happened to her?  Was she born like this?  How was this change accomplished?  How many treatments did she need? (only 12 with me, vision therapy did the rest, 60 sessions).  What is the end result?  No surgery.  Better depth perception, better coordination, ability to read and comprehend, school work not such a struggle.  I love what I do because she is now…free…to live her life the way it was intended…not needing me, not needing surgery (which would never have corrected the facial imbalances)…isn’t that just beautiful?

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